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We are the GlobalWelsh

Connecting Welsh people across the world.

Campaigns, Content & Production
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GlobalWelsh is working to connect the Welsh diaspora around the world and boost Wales’ prosperity. To promote the launch of GlobalWelsh’s new brand, we devised a campaign to reach Welsh people or people with an affinity for Wales with an aim to grow their social media community.

Find out more about GlobalWelsh 👉


We produced a 3-minute pride evoking, hiraeth building and tear-jerking video. A poem was written to communicate the story of Wales and its people. We launched paid promotion campaigns on Twitter and Facebook to reach as many Welsh people and friends of Wales with the message.


• Reached 500,000 people
• 67,500 video views
• Over 2000 engagements

We are the GlobalWelsh

Wales has a lot to be proud of. Traditionally our landscapes, our language, and of course, our rugby. We can also be proud of the incredible impact the GlobalWelsh make in the world, from Nobel Prize winners to beacons of art and culture. We boast a wealth of global leaders in business and communities across the world.

Once the poem was ready, we found a husky-voiced Welshman to read the poem. This narration was overlaid onto footage that we captured from the streets of Wales. We filmed local businesses and people and sourced beautiful footage from around the world. We used the red ribbon from the branding to tie the video together, streaking through the footage. Finally the ribbon ties together at the end, to form the GlobalWelsh logo.

Dan Sargent

How can we help you? Drop Dan, our Creative Director, a message and we'll be in touch.

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    There’s a rustle in the Welsh woods that has been whispered about for generations. They believe it to be Blue. They say it’s not sasquatch, but Stag. All that’s been spotted is the odd antler in the overgrowth or hoofprint on the forest floor.

    We’ve taken matters into our own hands and set up a series of cameras to try and locate Seb the Stag for ourselves. Brave visitor, can you help us in our quest to unravel the mystery and marvel at the myth?

    Launch forest cam
    Number 4
    Craig-y-Nos Country Park
    51.8815° N, 3.4435° W