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Promoting the UK's most advanced polar research ship.

Natural Environmental Research Council
Campaigns, Content & Production, Digital, Graphic Design
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The Natural Environment Research Council had a new £2million polar research ship. They asked us to deliver a 4-week social media campaign, #NameOurShip, to crowdsource a name. The aim was to bring natural science into the national consciousness and engage the public with the important work that the NERC does.

Find out more about NERC 👉


A competitive and entertaining crowdsourcing campaign, inviting the public to suggest a name for the ship. We designed and built a microsite that brought together all entries in a visual and engaging way. It also allowed NERC to moderate the entries to filter out the less authentic entries.


• #NameOurShip mentioned 23 million times
• 250 million people reached via social media
• Trended across the UK, USA and Australia
• 2.3 million page views in 3 weeks
• 30,000+ name submissions

Screenshot 2019-07-11 at 14.14.11
Marine Seismic in the Arctic

Using the power of the crowd

Natural science affects everybody. We wanted to create a campaign that would interest and gain the attention of the public. Rather than scientists or academics who work in the field. The campaign audience ranged from school children through to retirees. All over the world.

By adding an element of competition to the #NameOurShip campaign, the level of engagement from the public increased. Visualising this competition on the website was a key element of the campaign. It allowed people to share their submission with their network and rally votes.

Taking ownership of user-generated content

We designed microsite for the campaign that brought together all entries in a visual and engaging way. The website, powered by Social Suitcase, allowed NERC to manage and control the entries that were submitted, allowing us to filter out the less authentic entries. We enabled the public to explore and vote on the submissions, as well as find out about NERC’s polar research in an interactive and accessible format.

#NameOurShip awards

Silver Lovie AwardNERCBest in Marketing - Mashie AwardNERCAWWWARDS Site of the Day AwardNERC
Mashies Award
Dan Sargent

How can we help you? Drop Dan, our Creative Director, a message and we'll be in touch.

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    There’s a rustle in the Welsh woods that has been whispered about for generations. They believe it to be Blue. They say it’s not sasquatch, but Stag. All that’s been spotted is the odd antler in the overgrowth or hoofprint on the forest floor.

    We’ve taken matters into our own hands and set up a series of cameras to try and locate Seb the Stag for ourselves. Brave visitor, can you help us in our quest to unravel the mystery and marvel at the myth?

    Launch forest cam
    Number 4
    Craig-y-Nos Country Park
    51.8815° N, 3.4435° W